Hartographs was founded in August 2010 and is a club dedicated to philography (the hobby of collecting autographs). Collecting autographs is not just fun - it can also be rewarding. Authentic autographs may also become valuable. You also have the chance to send anything you like to a variety of celebrities just by sending an envelope and SAE c/o the celebrity! The club was founded by young comedy writer and philographer George Ambrose (formerly known as George Sibshaw) and also Alex Clegg, on 2nd August 2010.  If you would like to contact us about the website or our collection please see the email page on the clickable page headings at the top. You can also use the email address to email us about our other websites, namely www.summerwine.yolasite.com and www.plastic-cyril.yolasite.com . George Sibshaw has written many scripts which he is hoping to send to production companies for TV and radio release. He has gained inspiration from many comedies such as On the Buses, Mr Bean, Keeping Up Appearances, Porridge and Last of the Summer Wine.  Fellow member Alex Clegg is a big fan of Last of the Summer Wine and Wallace and Gromit. Please visit the link to our CREDITS page, by clicking. If this website becomes too chocka-block with autographs, we will start a new site which would be called www.hartographs2.yolasite.com .



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